The owner of a restaurant called out LeSean McCoy, an American footballer for leaving a tip of 20 cent. The criticism of people is really upsetting for the two parties since someone has posted a receipt of that bill on a Facebook.
Apple has launched Apple pay which will certainly keep away its customers from this kind of situation in future.
Philadelphia Eagles running back LeSean McCoy in the middle of a $45 million contract. The waiters of Philadelphia burger shop PYT were excited since sports hero LeSean McCoy came into their restaurant for Lunch. After lunch McCoy gave a tip of just 20 cents on the his and his friends’ lunch.
Afterwards, the owner planned to post a picture of the receipt on Facebook. Usually, restaurants are not allowed to post the credit card data of their customers online. This kind of act can lead to a large number of security and privacy issues.
Generally, credit card receipts shows the last four digits of customers’ credit cards. Banks and merchants make use of the similar four digits as security challenges like online shopping carts, apps and balance. The other minor issues could be informing the public which restaurants celebrities often visit.
It is not a big deal for an ordinary person to reveal which restaurants he visit frequently, but it definitely affects a celebrity like McCoy.
The major reason behind this matter is that LeSean McCoy is quite a wealthy celebrity who earns way more than a waiter could make in a decade. The restaurant owner rebuffed to apologize even when a large number of Football fans and numerous other owners contacted him.
Furthermore, the owner said defended his action by saying that LeSean McCoy and his friends abused his staff members.
Shortly, Apple’s new iPhone 6, iPhone 6s and iPhone 5s will let user to pay their bill at retailers and restaurant through Apple Pay. Soon the clients will be able to tap their phones near NFC enabled terminals. However, the personal data such as credit card numbers and names would not be transferred to the seller. Apple Pay could have surely saved McCoy fro such an embarrassing situation and the owner would have told this incident to his friends on text.