Coca-Cola replenished about 192 billion liters of water
During its 248 community water cooperation projects, Coca-Cola returned about 192 billion liters of water, which is more than 115 percent of the water utilized in its beverages last year. This powerful act is in reply to a 2007 War on Want attack which instantly highlighted Coca-Cola’s massive water usage.
Coca-Cola then decided to replenish all water utilized by 2020, and thanks to its connections which scattered across 71 different nations, it has managed to do so five years early.
It is not the primary project that Coca-Cola has begun to become a more reliable and sustainable company. Moreover, the company has taken some recent steps to refund the societies all over the world.
The Coca-Cola scholarship program helps around 1,400 US college students per year by donating $10,000 or $20,000 towards their education. It provides possibilities for promising students who might not have the opportunity to attend the University.
Furthermore, Coke it Forward founded on the idea of ‘paying it forward’ is a method which gives customers the capacity to make a difference. The company added vending machines allowing customers to buy a drink and give one to someone in need.
The system gives the customer just one drink while paying for two. However, Coca-Cola pairs the donation with another two, indicating that three in total are given when just two are paid for.
In 2015, Coca-Cola provided $84.5 million to populations in over 70 nations through grants which helped 300 different companies. More than 95 percent of those donations are centered on the company’s top priorities of well-being, women, and water.
Around $26.5 million were given to environmental initiatives and water, $5.5 million went to women’s empowerment actions, $48 million to more extensive community initiatives like healthcare and education, and $4.3 million for community development, arts, humanitarian issues, and culture.
Nevertheless, some negative rumors have circled Coca-Cola in the early 1900s. An organization named Maywood Chemical Works presently called the Stepan Company, along with Coca-Cola began a partnership to introduce coca leaves to the Coke Company from Peru.
Reportedly, before selling to the soda company, Maywood extracted the cocaine alkaloid from the leaves. The alkaloid is an agent found in pure cocaine powder. The leftover essence is what persisted in the soda company’s goods.
What do you think of Coca-Cola’s good deed programs? Please let us know in the comment section below.
Image source: Wikipedia