A lava eruption that started on Sunday near Iceland’s Bardarbunga volcano has continued into Monday. The entire eruption was approximately 600 m long.
The volcano eruption compels the Met Office in Iceland to raise ash warning aviation to red. Red is considered as the highest level of warning that bans the flying of plans within 6,000 feet of the volcano. Observers described this eruption as “calm and continuous”.
Afterwards the Met Office lowered the alert from red to orange, which signifies that air travel is not endangered. The reason behind this is that the lava has stopped generating ashes.
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My name is Kenneth Scott. I am a product of the 90s and die-hard fan of Michael Flatley – although I will never admit it in public. When I’m not tinkering about for my small business, I write reviews for life-saving apps and pretty much anything related to gadgets and smart-phones. I love how technology has evolved so much in the last decade, and I am always eager to review the latest apps, may they be traveling & management ones or just boredom-killers. I also secretly hope to learn step-dancing and go on a world-wide tour. Drop me a line anytime if you found some interesting new gadget or app. I would love to hear from you.